
Guidance Counselor

Our Academics

We pride ourselves on putting education first. You can keep connected with our ongoing academic projects and information that are shared in our monthly, sometimes bi-weekly, Counselor's Corner news article.

If your student is wondering how to get ready for college, make sure to fill out their FAFSA application first. Filling out the application opens your student up to a multitude of scholarships, grants, and student loans. Check in with Wade Harper our school counselor to get more specifics. And, of course, make sure to attend the next FAFSA Night, where filling out the application is a breeze and tons of information is disseminated.

Please contact Wade Harper, our school counselor, if you have any questions.

Counselor Corner Newsletters

Counselor's Corner Newsletter - Jan 20th - Jan 26th

Counselor's Corner Newsletter - Oct 21st - Oct 26th

Counselor's Corner Newsletter - Oct 7th - Oct 11th